Parish Groups and Choirs
These are men and woman of our community that are deeply inspired by God’s word and share it with their brothers and sisters especially during the Sunday liturgy.
Proclaiming the word of God is an important task within the Parish. Parishioners are trained to fulfill this special mission. They also guide the faithful during the General Intercessions and announce the appropriate hymns for the liturgy.
These are men and women who welcome and greet you at the entrance of the church, helping those who might need assistance throughout the celebration.
They are here to offer special service within the masses. These people are responsible for ushering you to available seats, taking up the collection and providing any other assistance to the faithful community.
Eucharistic Ministers
These men and women of our community, have a strong devotion to the Holy Eucharist and a deep sense of sacredness. They serve along the Priest and provide members of the congregation Communion.
This is a special ministry within the community. After careful screening and training, they are appointed as extra-ordinary ministers. Another special task they hold is visiting the sick and home bound members of our Parish.
Altar Servers
The youth always find a way to use their energies and talents to show their personal commitment and help serve on the Altar during the Liturgical Celebrations.
Their monthly meeting is held at the parish hall. They review tasks and train new servers who join the group.
Altar Society
This is a special group that help keeps our church tidy. The precious task and silent work of some of them are surely keep our church beautiful. Their service ensures that our church remains spotless.
They meet every Friday morning after the 8am mass.
St. Vincent de Paul
A helping hand to reach out to those often forgotten and unaided. They support and provide financial aid to those who require it. They are funded by special donations made by the parishioners. They help the poor of our parish.
The hard work and preparation of various choirs in the parish give us a chance to touch Heaven when we are still present on Earth. The music ministry is one of the wonders of our church. As a matter of fact, every celebration of the Eucharist is accompanied and made enjoyable by a choir.
The Children’s Choir meets every Saturday at 3:30pm in the parish hall for practice and they sing at the Saturday Mass at 5pm.
The 8am Mass on Sunday enjoys a rich variety of young people, mostly belonging to the Young Adult Group of the Parish. They meet for a brief practice every Sunday morning before the mass.
The 9:30am Mass has always had a good choir. The members meet every Wednesday evening for practice, right after the 7:30pm Italian Mass.
The 11am Choir has always been praised for their wonderful performance at Mass . Their traditional style inspires many people and invites an active participation in the Sunday Liturgy.
The 1:00 pm mass is being served alternately by the Youth Adult Choir, the Couples for Christ & Handmaids of the Lord Choir. Their impact and leadership in the celebration have been outstanding. Many young people musically talented and harmoniously, reach out during this mass and are well connected. Their youthfulness and joyous melodies inspire our congregation.
The 4:00 pm mass in “Tagalog” (Filipino language) is being served every Sunday by the Filipino Support Group (FSG) Choir from among the filipino community in the parish. The choir meets at the parish hall for practice two hours before the mass. The dedication of the choir members reverberates, with great impact to the congregation, through their rendition of traditional liturgical songs in “tagalog”.
Korean mass is held every first and third Sunday of the month at 6:00pm. Fr. Charles Nahm is the main celebrant.