Mission Statement
We are the Roman Catholic community of St. Paschal Baylon Parish, staffed by the Missionaries of St. Charles/Scalabrinians.
They were founded by Saint John Baptist Scalabrini, who saw migration as a universal and enduring phenomenon that enriches our global family.
Our parish has a rich history of serving Catholic immigrants and newcomers in the Greater Toronto Area.
Rooted in the Eucharist and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we strive to bring the Gospel of Jesus to one another and to everyone we encounter. We address the spiritual, physical, social and cultural needs of our diverse community in a welcoming environment.
We celebrate the Eucharist, pray and work together under the protection of our Patron Saint, Saint Paschal Baylon and trusting in the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Church.
Through evangelization, education and cultural integration, we commit ourselves to share the love of Christ with all communities, and to welcome people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. “Though many, we are one.” (Rom, 12,5)
We are the Roman Catholic community of St. Paschal Baylon Parish, staffed by the Missionaries of St. Charles/Scalabrinians.
They were founded by Saint John Baptist Scalabrini, who saw migration as a universal and enduring phenomenon that enriches our global family.
Our parish has a rich history of serving Catholic immigrants and newcomers in the Greater Toronto Area.
Rooted in the Eucharist and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we strive to bring the Gospel of Jesus to one another and to everyone we encounter. We address the spiritual, physical, social and cultural needs of our diverse community in a welcoming environment.
We celebrate the Eucharist, pray and work together under the protection of our Patron Saint, Saint Paschal Baylon and trusting in the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Church.
Through evangelization, education and cultural integration, we commit ourselves to share the love of Christ with all communities, and to welcome people of all ages, cultures and backgrounds. “Though many, we are one.” (Rom, 12,5)
Siamo la comunità cattolica della parrocchia di San Pasquale Baylon, gestita dai Missionari di San Carlo/Scalabriniani che furono fondati da San Giovanni Battista Scalabrini, il quale vedeva le migrazioni come un fenomeno universale e duraturo che arricchisce la nostra famiglia umana.
La nostra parrocchia ha una lunga tradizione di servizio agli immigrati e ai nuovi arrivati nella Greater Toronto Area.
Radicati nell’Eucaristia e rafforzati dallo Spirito Santo, ci dedichiamo a condividere il Vangelo di Gesù in comunità e con chiunque incontriamo.
Rispondiamo alle esigenze spirituali, sociali e culturali della nostra comunità multietnica in un clima di accoglienza.
Celebriamo l’Eucaristia, preghiamo e operiamo insieme sotto la protezione del nostro Santo Patrono, San Pasquale Baylon e fiduciosi nell’intercessione di Maria, Madre della Chiesa.
Attraverso l’evangelizzazione, l’educazione e l’integrazione culturale, ci impegnamo a condividere l’amore di Cristo con tutti i gruppi etnici e a accogliere persone di tutte le età, culture e provenienza. “Pur essendo molti, siamo un solo corpo” (Rm 12,5).