About St. Paschal Baylon

“Seraph of the Eucharist”

Paschal was born at Torre Hermosa in the Kingdom of Aragon, Spain, on May 24, in the year 1540. He spent his early childhood as a shepherd. So great was his desire for instruction that while tending his sheep he carried a book with him and begged those he met to teach him the alphabet. Thus, in a short time he learned to read.

He led the solitary life of a shepherd until he was about twenty-four. By meditation, prayer and the reading of pious works, he advanced rapidly in perfection so that when he decided to embrace the religious state and petitioned the Franciscans to admit him into their Order, he had already reached an eminent degree of sanctity. When he decided to become a Religious, he purposely avoided rich monasteries, for he said, “ I was born poor, and I am resolved to die in poverty and penance.”

In 1564, he entered the Reformed Franciscans in the Kingdom of Valencia and insisted upon remaining simply a lay brother. For twenty-eight years, he lived a perfect life in the austere Order he had chosen, a life of extreme poverty and of constant prayer, which even his labors did not interrupt.

He never had more than one habit, and that was always threadbare; he walked without sandals in the snow. He accommodated himself to all places and seasons. His jobs included serving as a cook and gardener as well as the official beggar who went around asking for alms. As porter his duties entailed tending to the poor who came to the friars’ door. Paschal gained a reputation for his remarkable humility, unfailing courtesy, and generosity.

Shortly after his profession, he was sent to Paris on business connected with his Order. The journey was full of perils, owing to the hostility of the Huguenots, who were numerous at the time in the south of France; and on four separate occasions Paschal was in imminent danger of death at their hands.

Saint Paschal was characterized by intense devotion to our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. Toward the end of his life, he frequently spent a great part of the night in prayer before the altar. God often favored him with ecstasies and raptures, but so great was his humility that he carefully avoided whatever might redound to his honor or praise. St. Paschal also had a singular devotion towards the Blessed Virgin. He died on May 17, 1592.

Multitudes witnessed the miracles which took place during the three days his body was exposed for veneration. He was canonized in 1690, and in 1897 declared patron of all Eucharistic congresses and confraternities. A significant devotion to him grew up in his home country, Southern Italy, and Spanish colonies abroad.


Paschal, illustrious is thy name,
But brighter glows thy virtue’s fame;
With many a sign thy works are crowned;
Through thee God’s gifts to men abound.

From heaven look down, we humbly pray,
On us who seek thine aid this day;
Remove the evil that we dread,
And grant us what we ask instead.

And when to heaven’s high feast we go,
The nuptial robe on us bestow,
That Christ our strength and food may be,
In death and for eternity.

From heaven look down, we humbly pray,
On us who seek thine aid this day;
Remove the evil that we dread,
And grant us what we ask instead.

V. Pray for us, o blessed Paschal,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray:
Saint Paschal, you were filled by the Holy Spirit
with a wonderful love for the sacred mysteries
of the Body and Blood of Christ,
intercede for us now that we can obtain
the grace of a deep faith and tender devotion
for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.

May we draw from the Eucharist
the same spiritual riches that you received with great joy,
and that our lives reveal the enduring fruit
of love, generosity and kindness,
eliminating sadness from our lives.

To the glory of God our Father,
Saint Paschal Baylon,
lover of the Eucharist, pray for us.

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